25 Feb Individual values, shared values and validation in the school community
Shared values in a group are the principles, beliefs, or ideas that group members share and promote together. They can be embodied by the group in different ways, through social behavior, group norms and rules, ideas and expressed opinions, or through the activities they do together. Shared values are essential for group cohesion, as they provide a solid foundation for members to identify with each other and collaborate effectively. Shared values can be used to determine the group’s direction and purpose, helping to define the group’s goals.
Shared values in a school are the principles and ideas that are shared by members of the school community. These values include respect for self, others and differences in culture and opinions, responsibility for one’s own actions and performance, integrity in behavior and actions, working together to achieve common goals, and the courage to try new things and express one’s opinion. In the relationship between teachers and students, shared values include mutual respect, trust, open and effective communication, responsibility, empathy and understanding. Shared values are essential to creating a cohesive school community and promoting student learning and development.
Validation of common values
The validation of shared values can play an important role in reducing symptoms of anxiety or depression because it helps the person feel more connected and accepted in a group. When the person has shared values with the members of a group, they can feel more understood and supported, which can reduce stress and anxiety. A sense of belonging to a group can provide a source of emotional support and increase self-esteem, which can reduce symptoms of depression.
A 2021 survey of college students in the United States found that the most common mental disorders among college students are anxiety disorders and depression or other mood disorders. About 31 percent of university students surveyed at the time reported being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.
Childhood in the formation of personal and common values
Childhood is an essential period for the values formation. It is the time when children begin to understand important aspects of society and develop beliefs and attitudes that will guide them throughout their lives. During childhood, we are taught to respect the norms and values of the society we are a part of. It is the time when we develop our own beliefs and values based on our experiences and interactions with those around us, including family, friends, teachers and community.
Moreover we are taught during childhood to take responsibility for our own actions and to respect the needs and feelings of others. We develop skills such as empathy, compassion and care for others, which are essential for healthy relationships and creating a united community. Children need guidance to become adults who can contribute to a better and fair society based on values such as respect, responsibility and compassion.
What happens when personal values are not validated or we do not identify with the shared values of a group?
When personal values are not appreciated or we do not identify with the common values of the group or society in which we live, we can experience discomfort, instability or even interpersonal conflicts. On the one hand, we may feel that we are not understood or that we are not comfortable in certain situations or relationships. Lack of appreciation of our personal values can lead to a feeling of alienation or social isolation. Moreover, a state of tension and interpersonal conflicts may arise with those who do not share the same values as us.
On the other hand, when we do not identify with the shared values of the group or society in which we live, we experience feelings of insecurity or distrust in our own values and ideas, which leads to a loss of self-confidence and the need to conform to the values of others. Value conflict facilitates the emergence of difficulties in interpersonal relationships, because different values can generate tensions and misunderstandings.
How do we support the shared values of teachers and students?
Students develop their values in a school through interaction with teachers and other students, through experiences in educational and extracurricular activities, and through the environment. Teachers play an important role in transmitting values, through their behavior and attitudes, through their approach to students and through the activities they organize.
In addition, students develop their values by engaging in activities that promote respect for others, tolerance, social responsibility and teamwork. By participating in debates, group projects, competitions, and other activities that encourage collaboration and communication, students learn to express their opinions and make decisions that reflect their personal values. Learning by role models is important: students can be influenced by the example set by their peers or public figures they admire.
Teachers, in turn, can develop their values in a school in various ways: they can participate in training based on educational values, which includes workshops, conferences or courses, to improve their skills and knowledge. Teachers can reflect on their own practices to identify how they apply the values in the classroom and in interactions with students and colleagues. As they evaluate their own practice, they can discover new ways to improve their skills and integrate educational values into their teaching activities.
Collaborating with colleagues and talking with students and parents can be another way teachers develop their values and learn how to apply them effectively in the school environment. By developing values, teachers can be role models and mentors to students, encouraging them to develop their own values and become responsible and active citizens in society.
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