09 Oct Learning Together Conference
Creating a culture of belonging in schools
We train and inspire teachers to have the courage and strength to bring innovation and creativity to education.
National program Teacher’s Well-Being
Through this year’s event, we want to emphasize the importance of belonging in educational environments. We aim to expose the premises that shape and favor belonging in all schools in Romania. Together we create and deliver concrete, adaptable and easy-to-implement solutions for sustainable membership in these environments.
It is a national program that, through a series of practices and examples provided, helps participants discover a conscious journey to wellness in the classroom. Based on the book, The Teacher in You, the program was created to reduce stress, build emotional resilience and discover ways educators can teach with enthusiasm and motivation.
Through this year’s event, we want to emphasize the importance of belonging in educational environments. We aim to expose the premises that shape and favor belonging in all schools in Romania.
With Harvard Flourishing Center, Tapestry Intergenerational Education Foundation, Stanford University | School of Medicine, American University in Washington DC and Babeș-Bolyai University, we create and offer concrete, adaptable and easy-to-implement solutions for the sustainability of belonging in educational environments.
The conference will bring together school principals, teachers, teaching staff, school counselors, auxiliary staff, students and parents, with the aim of creating an exchange of experiences and providing concrete and complete solutions for particular situations. All this will be done under the watchful eye of education experts, who will come from all over the world to share with us the resulting insights through the lens of their professional expertise.
The need for belonging in educational environments was identified following the completion of the National Study, “Teacher’s Well-Being”, carried out by Transylvania College Foundation and Positive Ed, in partnership with Merito, SuperTeach, Romanian Business Leaders and the C-EDU Education Cluster. The instrument used was the Teacher Flourishing Evaluation, which belongs to The Human Flourishing Program, from Harvard University. This tool for measuring human well-being targets five areas: 1. happiness and life satisfaction; 2. physical and mental health; 3. purpose and meaning; 4. character and virtue; 5. close social relations.
The results of the study showed that 80% of respondents claimed that their work has no positive effect on their mental health or well-being. In the interviews, the teachers emphasized the need to create communities that foster solidarity, empathy, compassion, appreciation and open discussions about the problems they have to face.
Following these results, Transylvania College Foundation, in partnership with Tapestry Intergenerational Education Foundation and Stanford University, developed The Student Within project, based on the 8 blocks of belonging that can be built in schools and professional environments, with the aim of creating a culture of belonging.
Belonging is one of the needs of human nature that is manifested by the desire to be part of a group or a community, in which the individual identifies with the common values shared by the members of the reference group. The feeling of belonging is based on 8 blocks, among which: safety, empathy, compassion, solidarity, reciprocity, respect, shared values and validation.
Transposed into the educational environment, the concept of belonging underpins the theme of the event by creating and sustaining, in the long term, a prosperous culture in the school. Therefore, within the organized event, the participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to put proactive techniques into practice, both for achieving academic success and for their emotional and mental health, all of which have a direct impact on the students’ training.
Event description:
Current context
The 21st century has brought new challenges in everyday life and, implicitly, in education. The stress level of teachers has increased significantly and adapting to new environments and communities is a real necessity of today’s society. According to the latest international studies, teachers, along with doctors and medical staff, are part of the professional category with the highest level of stress at work. In addition, the changes brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic have had major effects on each of us, adding pressure to an already strained system.
The direct beneficiaries of this project are teachers, school counselors, school principals, students, administrative staff of educational institutions and parents. The event is aimed at teachers who want to join the InIm Institute community, a program belonging to Transylvania College Foundation.
The indirect beneficiaries are the students, who we want to develop in a safe environment where they can find themselves and feel that they belong. This environment is conducive to achieving desired academic results and creating healthy lifestyle habits.
Why Cluj-Napoca?
Cluj-Napoca, this university city and education hub, promoter of socio-emotional development at national and international level, can be a starting point for the training of well-trained teachers who are aware of the importance of the inexhaustible resources at their disposal: the sense of belonging and the state emotional and mental well-being. In this framework, the Transylvania College Foundation and the InIm Institute aim to mobilize for the organization of the conference, a team of education professionals, eager to share and promote the benefits of belonging and well-being to all participants.
The current dynamics make the reform of the educational system a real necessity, a fact that is also reflected in our priority, which is reflected in the decisions and actions taken at the InIm Institute level. Through this event we want to lay the foundations of a community in a multidimensional space, where the Good Teachers and their students feel that they belong.
This event would not be possible without the involvement and permanent support of our partners and collaborators: the Cluj-Napoca City Hall, the Cluj County School Inspectorate, the County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance and the C-EDU Education Cluster.
Purpose of the conference
Our goal is to build a community, in a multidimensional space, where Good Teachers and their students feel they belong. Together, we expand the qualities of mind, soul, and heart that enable us to advance personal and interpersonal development in educational settings and beyond.
Objectives of the conference
We firmly believe that the socio-emotional health of the teacher has a positive impact on the behavior and school success of the students, and for this reason, we proposed to organize a series of events and activities dedicated to teachers within the We Learn Together conference.
Through this event, we aim to:
– Emphasize the importance of prioritizing belonging in educational environments;
– Exemplify good practices and offer a guide summing up solutions for the particular situations the participants encounter;
– Create an environment conducive to the exchange of experience between participants;
– Creation of an action plan for the professional activity of each participant.
Ciobanu Georgeta Claudia
Posted at 14:55h, 11 OctoberRecunostinta
Simona Saroni
Posted at 14:56h, 11 OctoberFelicitări pentru inițiativă! Aștept cu drag acest eveniment!
Posted at 10:50h, 20 OctoberVă mulțumim! Vă așteptăm cu mare drag la eveniment!
Ciobanu Georgeta Claudia
Posted at 14:59h, 11 OctoberMultumim pentru oprtunitatea de a face parte dintr-o comunitate care isi propune sa creeze un mediu placut profesorilor si implicit elevilor, prin activitati utile si interesante.
Posted at 10:49h, 20 OctoberPentru noi, este o adevărată plăcere să avem o comunitate dornică de a învăța și de a se dedica misiunii noastre comune. Vă mulțumim că faceți parte din comunitatea noastră!
Posted at 15:35h, 11 OctoberAbia aștept să ne întâlnim și să învățăm ceva nou, distractiv..
Posted at 10:47h, 20 OctoberVă așteptăm cu mare drag la evenimentul nostru.
Posted at 04:35h, 12 OctoberBună ziua! Doresc înscrierea la conferință.
Posted at 10:46h, 20 OctoberBună ziua! Înscrierea la eveniment se poate realiza, atât prin accesarea butonului „Înscriere Conferință”, cât și prin accesarea link-ului aici.
Sófalvi Carmrn-Sidonia
Posted at 07:29h, 12 OctoberMulțumesc pentru această oportunitate de a participa de la orice distanță la cursuri și discursuri care îmi trezesc curiozitatea
Posted at 10:44h, 20 OctoberNe bucurăm nespus! Și noi vă mulțumim pentru susținere!
Postolache Mariana Olguta
Posted at 20:45h, 12 OctoberBune seara! Felicitări pentru ideea conferinței! Participarea este gratuita ? Primim o adeverință de participare?
Posted at 10:43h, 20 OctoberBună ziua! Vă mulțumim! Participarea la eveniment este gratuită. Adeverințele vor fi acordate celor care completează formularul de înregistrare și participă la eveniment (online/onsite).
Ursu Cornelia
Posted at 14:16h, 17 OctoberBună ziua! Conferință este doar fizic sau se poate urmări și online?
Va mulțumesc!
Posted at 10:40h, 20 OctoberBună ziua! Evenimentul va fi transmis și online. Vă rugăm să vă înscrieți la eveniment accesând aici.
Leca Oana
Posted at 09:49h, 22 OctoberBună ziua, în ce limbă vor fi prezentările?
Posted at 09:17h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Prezentările din cadrul conferinței se vor desfășura în limba română, respectiv în limba engleză.
Gradinaru Carmen
Posted at 13:12h, 25 OctoberVă mulțumesc, pentru oportunitatea de a participa și online la această conferință!
Aștept, cu nerăbdare și interes acest mare eveniment!
Respect și recunoștință!
Posted at 09:17h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Ne bucurăm de interesul pentru conferința Învățăm Împreună. Vă așteptăm cu drag!
Abduraman Ilvan
Posted at 10:27h, 26 OctoberAstept cu nerăbdare sa particip la conferința!
Posted at 09:16h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Vă mulțumim și vă așteptăm la conferință!
Tatiana Barcan
Posted at 10:43h, 26 OctoberBună ziua!
Particip cu mare drag!
Interesante abordări!
Posted at 09:15h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Vă așteptăm cu mare drag!
Posted at 20:09h, 26 OctoberBuna ziua! Felicitari pentru ideea conferintei!
Posted at 09:14h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Vă mulțumim pentru suport!
Busuioc Veronica
Posted at 14:03h, 27 OctoberMulțumim pentru oportunitatea de a face schimb de experiențe și de a învăța noi activități utile !
Posted at 09:14h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Ne bucurăm că evenimentul Învățăm Împreună vă prezintă interes. Vă mulțumim pentru susținere!
Busuioc Veronica
Posted at 19:09h, 27 OctoberPot participa și învățătorii din Republica Moldova?
Posted at 09:13h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Desigur, este necesar să vă înscrieți pe acest link.
Petruța Tatiana Crăciun
Posted at 19:31h, 27 OctoberBună seara! Doresc foarte mult să particip la acest eveniment.
Posted at 09:10h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Participarea la evenimentul Învățăm Împreună este condiționată de înscrierea prin acest link. Ne bucurăm de interesul pentru conferința noastră!
Hritac Diana
Posted at 09:56h, 30 OctoberConsider ca este o oportunitate care nu trebuie ratată de niciun cadru didactic. Mulțumesc!
Posted at 09:08h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Ne bucurăm tare de interesul dumneavoastră pentru conferința Învățăm Împreună. Vă așteptăm la eveniment!
Nasture Delia
Posted at 16:57h, 01 NovemberBuna seara , apăs Afișează punctaj, apoi sa ma înscriu la Atelier, as dori la Atelierul 9.
Cum qs putea?
Mulțumesc !
Posted at 09:07h, 03 NovemberBună ziua! Înscrierea la eveniment se poate realiza, atât prin accesarea butonului „Înscriere Conferință”, cât și prin accesarea link-ului. Odată ce ați deschis linkul, este nevoie să introduceți datele personale, să optați pentru participarea ONSITE și, ulterior, să alegeți atelierul 9 și să apăsați SUBMIT. Urmând acești pași, înscrierea se va realiza.
Chebac Maricela
Posted at 17:50h, 01 NovemberÎmpreună pentru un mediu propice schimbării.
Posted at 09:05h, 03 NovemberMulțumim! Vă așteptăm cu mare drag la evenimentul nostru.
Rodica Acsinte
Posted at 21:09h, 01 NovemberMi-ați stârnit interesul, m-am înscris! Aștept cu nerăbdare întâlnirea de sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie. Felicitări pentru inițiativă și tema abordată!
Posted at 09:03h, 03 NovemberVă mulțumim! Vă așteptăm cu mare drag la eveniment!
Pingback:Profesorii din Cluj, invitați la o conferință de dezvoltare personală și profesională
Posted at 16:29h, 04 November[…] Conferința se va desfășura în format hibrid, la Cluj-Napoca și va fi transmisă live, online, pentru participanții din toată țara. Toți cei interesați să participe, online sau onsite, se pot înscrie aici. […]
Zota Claudia
Posted at 05:56h, 05 NovemberFelicitări pentru organizarea acestei conferințe! Abia aștept să particip.
Dorina-Gabriela Stefanescu
Posted at 10:39h, 05 NovemberBuna ziua! Particip cu interes!
Ana Anton
Posted at 12:10h, 05 NovemberFelicitări!
Oprea Neluța
Posted at 12:56h, 05 NovemberVa mulțumim!
Nicula Gabriela Margareta
Posted at 14:31h, 05 NovemberFelicitări, tuturor profesorilor!
Pingback:Newsletter luna noiembrie, 2022 – The Teacher Within
Posted at 10:05h, 11 January[…] Înscrierea se poate face accesând link-ul de mai jos:https://en.iniminstitute.com/conferinta-invatam-impreuna-cream-o-cultura-a-apartenentei-in-scoli-5-noie… […]