
The teacher within

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Every day, you have between 20,000 and 60,000 thoughts. The majority of them are negative and repetitive. The teacher within you helps you channel your inner power towards positive thinking.


Confident in character education and socio-emotional learning, Simona Baciu, together with Susan Shapiro, has written “The Teacher Within,” a 100-day guide for teaching with gentleness and compassion.


Built on the philosophy of the A.R.A.T. Effect, from Attention to oneself, to Recognition of thoughts and emotions, to Actions and Transformation.

  • Attention to oneself:

You will learn to become aware of your breath, to meditate, in order to live anchored in the present moment.

  • Recognition:

You will learn to self-analyze and transform negative emotions into opportunities that generate positive results.

  • Actions:

You will learn to look beyond the academic aspect in the classroom and create a conscious class.

  • Transformation:

You will find the enthusiasm and motivation to teach with kindness and gentleness.
The book is a resource intended for teachers and is distributed as part of the training “The Teacher’s Well-being: A Conscious Journey”, organized by InIm Institute.

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