Reciprocity is a basic rule of interpersonal relationships

Reciprocity is a basic rule of interpersonal relationships

Reciprocity refers to the idea of ​​giving the same attention, help, or respect to someone as it is given to you. It is a basic rule of interpersonal relationships and involves a fair and reciprocal exchange of benefits and responsibilities.

In general, reciprocity is an important aspect in human relationships, and its application can be seen in many areas of life, such as friendship, love, business, and international politics. It is important to understand that reciprocity can also be seen as a moral virtue, and respecting this value can bring many individual and collective benefits.

Reciprocity in schools

Reciprocity is important in schools, as it promotes a positive and equitable learning environment. The concept promotes healthy relationships, encourages collaboration, creates a fair environment and encourages long-term learning. When students and teachers treat one another with respect, they create a culture of mutual trust and respect. This can help create a healthier learning environment.

By supporting reciprocity, students and teachers are willing to help each other, and a culture of collaboration and exchange of ideas is created. All of this encourages deeper learning and can enhance creativity and innovation. Reciprocity helps create a more equitable school environment: Students who receive the help they need can feel encouraged to continue learning and achieving their academic goals. At the same time, if students learn to help and respect each other in school, these skills can be transferred to everyday social interactions and later to the professional life. As a result, they will turn into understanding, empathetic and collaborative adults.

What do the experts say?

A study published by Educational Psychology, Peer relationships in the classroom, highlighted that teachers who practice positive behaviors, such as reciprocity and encouragement, have students who feel more motivated and engaged in the learning process. The study showed that when teachers show interest and respect, the students feel more motivated to actively participate in the learning process and develop their academic skills.

Another study, published by School Psychology International, Achievement goals and achievement emotions: Testing a model of their joint relations with academic performance, showed that reciprocity in teacher-student relationships can help reduce stress and anxiety in students. The results revealed that when students feel they are treated with respect and attention, they feel more confident in their abilities and are more likely to take risks during the learning process.

How can we support reciprocity?

It is important for teachers to find the right methods for their teaching style and their students’ group so that they can foster a positive and supportive learning environment. Some examples of activities that can be used in schools to encourage reciprocity in the relationship between teachers and students are:

  • Collaborative learning: Teachers can encourage students to collaborate in pairs or groups to develop teamwork skills and help their peers learn.
  • Constructive feedback: teachers can give students constructive and encouraging feedback on their work so that they improve their skills; students can also provide feedback to each other, which can help improve communication skills and promote reciprocity in the relationship between students.
  • Volunteering activities: teachers can organize volunteering activities in the local community, such as recycling or helping the elderly, encouraging students to develop social responsibility skills and to work together to make a positive impact in the community.
  • Experiential learning: teachers can organize activities that give students opportunities to apply their knowledge in practice; projects involving the creation and presentation of products or services may be included so that students can see how what they are learning is relevant in real life.
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