10 Nov Together for the Mental Well-being of Youth – a National Priority
With 30 years of experience in the field of education, the InIm Institute invites you to participate in an innovative collaborative meeting aimed at active stakeholders in the mental health of youth in Romania.
On November 10, 2023, between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, at 13-15 Avram Iancu Street, Cluj-Napoca, we aim to open the doors to a meeting space where representatives from various fields such as health, youth, education, social, politics, art, innovation in services and products, environment, religion, workforce placement, parenting, and sports will come together to explore and
develop solutions in the field of youth mental health.
Considering the increasing number of young people facing socio-emotional and mental difficulties, our goal is to promote the implementation of initiatives that support mental health and well-being of youth in contemporary society.
Through interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches, we aim to contribute to identifying innovative solutions and developing effective strategies to address issues related to youth mental health in the country.
The meeting is organized in the context of the Being Romania Project, coordinated by the Inim Institute and in partnership with:
*Positive Psychotherapy Association
*Alina Cosma
*Adrian Burlacu
*Cluj Youth Federation
*Global Development
*Oana Moșoiu
*UBB, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
*UBB, Department of Public Health
The event will focus on the following aspects:
1.Knowledge Sharing:
Sharing cutting-edge research findings, innovative practices, and success stories in the field of youth mental health in Romania. Presentation of the Being Romania Consortium model and facilitation of networking opportunities among participants to encourage the formation of strategic partnerships, collaborations, and intersectoral alliances.
2.Communication among Key Actors:
Creation of thematic activities to facilitate interactions and exchange of ideas among various stakeholders.
Discussion and collaboration sessions to promote common solutions.
3.National Dissemination Planning:
Co-creation of a comprehensive national dissemination plan based on the strengths of each stakeholder group and the extended impact of our collective efforts.
We warmly invite you to join our initiative and bring positive changes to the mental health of youth in Romania!
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